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Heart Jewelry for Mom - Milanus Jewelry Oro Laminado Gold Filled Style Wholesale

Heart Jewelry for Mom

 Heart Jewelry

Why Heart Jewelry?

Heart Jewelry has been a standard gift for someone special for hundreds of years, and the reason is simple: they never go out of style because their message is universal and timeless. 


Heart Necklace

Why is the heart associated with love?

A piece of heart-shaped jewelry generally symbolizes love, deep affection or, at least, deep like for someone. The human heart allows the blood to be pumped around the body. It represents the core of our being. Great affection and love are the usual meaning behind the gift of a piece of heart jewelry. 

They are the ideal gift to represent friendship, devotion, affection and romantic and enduring love. 

A short history - The creation of the heart shape to signify love was first reported at the end of the Middle Ages. It gained popularity in the 15th and 16th centuries and became widely used in jewelry design throughout subsequent centuries.


Heart Bracelets

As much as the ‘heart has its reasons’, it also represents various sentiments when combined with other motifs. The gemstones featured in jewelry designs were also significant when it came to the diverse selection of hearts throughout the Georgian and Victorian times.


Heart Jewelry Set

Why give hearts for Mother's Day?

The Heart. It is commonly referred to as the seat of the human mind, the center of one's body and soul. It is the physical organ that pumps blood around your body and keeps us alive. The heart has always been an emblem that symbolizes love and affection. It is also one of the best-chosen designs for clothes and accessories, especially for necklaces. The heart shape has an impact, especially on women. Regardless of whether these heart-shaped items are made of silver or gold, they make the same impression. They are a perfect gift for the person that we love as it symbolizes an unbreakable connection. They are usually popular during Valentine's Day and Mother's Day as it is a day to celebrate our love for them. 


Heart Earrings

 View our large collection of stylish and affordable heart-shaped jewelry HERE

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