Gold Filled Jewelry Milanus Oro Laminado Milanus Wholesale Oro Laminado Gold Filled Gold Plated Sterling Silver Jewelry
Earrings Display Stand for 36 Pairs of Earring Studs, Black - Milanus Jewelry Oro Laminado Gold Filled Style Wholesale

Instantly organize your jewelry with this Earrings Stand for 36 Pairs of Earring Studs. This stand is the perfect way to display your earrings at your store.

Organiza instantáneamente tus joyas con este expositor de Aretes para 36 pares de aretes. Este expositor es la forma perfecta de mostrar tus aretes en tu tienda


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.custom-gradient-bar { width: 100%; height: 48px; /* 1/2 inch thick */ background: linear-gradient(to right, #a333c8, #7a28cb); /* Purple gradient */ margin-top: 20px; /* Optional: adds space above the bar */ margin-bottom: 20px; /* Optional: adds space below the bar */ }